Hearing from our students, alumni, and faculty is one of the best ways to learn about the program. These short videos let our students explain why they chose to pursue this degree, and describe the benefits and experience of being a Stanford Master of Liberal Arts student.
An Ongoing Education
Hear MLA graduate Lisa Lapin on her reasons for applying to the program, and on her surprise at what she discovered.
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Changing the Formula
MLA graduate David Blazevich recounts an ‘a-ha’ moment from the program.
Balancing Your Studies and Family TIme
You can do it all. MLA students discuss the benefits and challenges of balancing family time and their MLA studies.
What is Stanford’s MLA Program?
Members of the MLA community describe the program and their reasons for pursuing this degree.
Teasing Apart MLA
Charles Junkerman, Associate Provost and Dean of Continuing Studies, outlines the skills and attributes that are nurtured and cultivated in the MLA Program.
MLA Commencement
MLA alumni and faculty share their views on this day of celebration - and on the extraordinary accomplishments of graduates.
MLA students speak on the benefits of working with world-class faculty, and our faculty comment on the experience of teaching adult students.
Core Curriculum
MLA faculty and students describe the core curriculum (the first year and a quarter of required classes).
Why are Stanford MLA seminars exceptional? Students and faculty share their experiences.
MLA Thesis
The culmination of the program is the master’s thesis. Here’s what thesis writers have to say.
Why and MLA?
MLA graduate Animesh Mukherjee talks about his reasons for applying to the program, and the benefits he gained from completing it.